Meet the bloggers


Background: English teacher in a previous life, now stay at home mum to a daughter, A, born in September 2014. Married to a lovely, supportive husband and lucky to live near my amazingly helpful family.

Special interests: Dealing with allergies, reflux babies, travelling with a baby, cooking, baking, allergy friendly recipes, talking far too much about feelings and emotions. Running this blog!

10997783_10153739961839768_9137069773662028260_oName: Katherine

Background: Worked in finance in another life. Now a SAHM for the moment to baby E born in August 2014.  Married to a mostly helpful husband!

Recently emigrated to Australia from London.

Special interests: Travel with babies, premature babies, reflux, incompetent cervix, TAC, cervical cancer, house renovation when we can. Also long term TTC, IVF, ICSI . Sleep!



Name: Rachael

Background: Healthcare Scientist currently dreading her return to work. Enjoying the ups and downs of having her long awaited daughter, T, born in August 2014. Married to her childhood sweetheart, best friend and sparring partner- think of Angie and Brad in Mr and Mrs Smith and you get the picture (but far less photogenic obvs!).

Special Interests: long term ttc; complex pregnancy; cake, tea and chocolate (order of preference is all at once please); prams; poo (has she pooed? why hasn’t she pooed? argh- why is there so much poo? repeat ad nauseam); leopard print; bodging DIY/ baby items/ house maintenance/ life.

imageName: Gemma

Background: Currently on maternity leave from my job as a research administrator. First-time mum to R, my long awaited daughter who was born in October 2014.  I am debating what my career future holds (these little dears do change your perspective on what’s important in life!)

Special interests: Silent reflux, vegetarian living, mums as entrepreneurs, Long-term TTC, baby bargains

CateName: Cate

Background: A museum Curator before being made redundant when pregnant, so now a SAHM.  Married to my best friend, and with Meggie the elderly Collie making everything fluffy. Our daughter, our little Sprout, joined us in July 2014.

Special Interests: Breastfeeding, Oral Ties, Babywearing, Co-Sleeping, Attachment Parenting, 4th trimester, Colic, PND, Baby Led Weaning, festivals, forests, tea and sewing.

ATC-104Name: Lisa
Background: Research Scientist wishing maternity leave lasted forever. Having the time of my life with my beautiful daughter, enjoying a gamut of baby related activities while we can. Currently planning our wedding for April 2015 (who the hell thought that would be a good idea with a small baby?)
Special Interests: Mumming on a budget, milk intolerance, feeding issues, attempting to plan a large event with a small child. I’m also a bit obsessed with health and safety but wouldn’t say it was a speciality, more a result of my general anxiety issues.

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